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Tel +27 (0)83 538 5684
Installing exciting
and safe playgounds
countrywide since 2005.

Teaching Healthy Choices
It is our responsibility to teach our children healthy habits while they are still young . Take the Rustics Healthy Choices Challenge

PLAY outside and reap the scientific benefits of sunshine
Just 30 minutes outside in the sun can produce enough Vitamin D and a host of hormones and chemicals to improve your health.

Adults! Enjoy playtime with the children - we will show you how!
Playing with children is not only excellent for their development, but will also benefit you. We offer some suggestions on how to enjoy play

Taking Science outside of the Classroom
Taking Science outside of the Classroom - ideas for integrating science concepts into active play to create a dynamic learning environment.

Swing your way to healthy childhood development
Get a Rustics swing set and stimulate different parts of your child’s brain simultaneously, bringing huge developmental benefits

Challenge the children in your life
A well-designed Rustics jungle gym provides a safe, challenging environment in which children can develop life skills.

Keep the high - get outdoors!
Yes, simply being outdoors in nature can keep those happy-hormones flowing. A jungle gym will get your family those outdoor benefits!

10 benefits of climbing
Climbing is a risky play activity but the many, many benefits for children of all ages, easily balance any risks. Read about them here.

Exercise to boost your brain
Exercise to boost your brain - kids score higher on math and reading tests after exercising for 20 minutes, Get a Rustics jungle gym

Physical Development - Part 5 : Flexibility & Joint Health
In the last of our 5 part series on the physical benefits of playing on a jungle gym - we discuss flexibility and joint health

Physical Development - Part 4 : Gross Motor Skills
Part 4 of a 5 part series discussing the physical benefits of playing on a jungle gym - Gross Motor Skills.

Physical Development - Part 3 : Core Strength
Physical development - part 3 Developing core strength

Physical Development - Part 2: Lower Body Strength
Part 3: Lower Body Strength. Lower body strength is needed to stand, climb stairs, walk and run. Learn how to develop it.

Physical development - Part 1: Upper Body Strength
Upper body strength is important for a child’s coordination, posture and development.

Unstructured play teaches leadership skills
They say that leaders are born, not made. But leadership is a skill that can be learned as early as childhood.

Win the battle between nature and screens
We need to teach our children that screens only mimic real life and that real life is much more enjoyable when it is experienced.

Is your child suffering from a lack of sleep?
According to researchers, children 9-12 who do not get 9hrs of sleep a night have differences in their brain which affect their health.

Balance skills help children to develop better language, reading & writing skills
Improving balance & sensory processing skills early in life will help children to develop better language, improve reading & writing skills

Assessing core strength and stability in sitting
How do you know if your child is suffering from low core strength? We have some guidelines to help you.

Building core strength is a key element of improved classroom performance
Core strength is essential for sitting still and concentration in both adults and children. A jungle gym can help build the core muscles.
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