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Tel +27 (0)83 538 5684
Installing exciting
and safe playgounds
countrywide since 2005.

Playgrounds help develop problem solving skills
Outdoor playground equipment helps children to learn to use their imagination to solve problems developing out-the box thinking.

Create an environment for the Imagination to run wild
A well designed Jungle gym will promote the use of a child's imagination and hence improve their problem solving skills

Optimise the use of your playground equipment - for Fitness (for adults too!)
Use your playground equipment for fitness programme for children and Adults

Optimise the use of your playground equipment - for Therapy
The Eyex unit is specifically designed for exercise therapy

Optimise the use of your playground equipment - for fun
The Tarantula creates opportunities for creative outdoor play

Make Time for Unstructured Play
Filling every minute of a child's day with extra lessons, sport etc, could impede development.

Outdoor Play Teaches Social Skills
The game has no rules, there is no starting point or end point and there’s a jungle gym in the middle of it all.
cue social skills

Play Teaches Thoughtful Risk-Taking
Play is not a luxury. Unstructured outdoor play presents children with risks and enables them to learn how to handle them appropriately.
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