Tel +27 (0)83 538 5684
We have been installing exciting and safe playgounds, countrywide since 2005.
Balance skills help children to develop better language, reading & writing skills
Choose Age-Appropriate Playground Equipment
Assessing core strength and stability in sitting
Playing safely on the playground
Building core strength is a key element of improved classroom performance
Playgrounds help develop problem solving skills
WHO Guidelines on Exercise for health
Happy customer - Rustics incorporated retaining wall into obstacle course design
A generous donation keeps hopes of quality pre-school education alive
12 Benefits of Outdoor Play
See how an East London father surprised his two sons with a Jungle Gym
Windfarm Service Station chooses the Tarantula Play System
Fundraising Ideas
Ideas for fund raising
Jungle Gym Maintenance Checklist
Create an environment for the Imagination to run wild
Playground Equipment - A big Investment yielding a massive fun-filled return
Optimise the use of your playground equipment - for Fitness (for adults too!)
Parklands Special school in East London
Optimise the use of your playground equipment - for Therapy