In her article in Parenting Science, Gwen Dewar, Ph.D outlines 12 benefits of outdoor play and provides tips to help your child get them.
Many of the benefits she highlights do not require anything more than space and a willingness to go out to play. But at least five of them are enhanced by the use of outdoor playground equipment (see highlights below).
A jungle gym for your home, school or community does not need to be expensive and the benefits are unmistakable for the development of children.
12 benefits of outdoor play
click on this link to read more about each and learn how to help the children in your care access those benefits
Outdoor play can reduce a child’s risk of becoming near-sighted.
Outdoor play helps ensure that kids get enough sunlight -- and that's good for their bodies and brains.
Kids get more vigorous exercise when they’re outdoors.
Outdoor play provides kids with greater freedom to develop their athletic abilities – to run fast, jump far, and climb.
Outdoor play offers young children special opportunities learn new words and concepts.
.When kids play in green spaces, they reap special psychological benefits, including better recovery from stress, and enhanced concentration.
Connecting with nature may also lower a child’s risk of behavior problems.
Cooperative outdoor play can help children learn social skills
Positive nature experiences teach children to respect -- and protect -- the environment.
Wrestling with sleep troubles? Outdoor play doesn't make kids sleep longer at night. But it may help children fall asleep more easily.
Outdoor play may encourage kids to take calculated risks – and become more confident in their abilities.
By itself, outdoor time probably doesn't prevent obesity -- but it's a good first step toward a more active, healthful lifestyle!
Who wouldn’t want those benefits for their children?