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Eikestad Primary School installs Tarantula in its New Playground

Rustics Jungle Gyms worked with Rene Brett Director of Viridian Consulting Landscape Architects to design, build and install a super new playground at Eikestadt Primary School in Stellenbosch. The centre piece of the design is the Tarantula play system; a 10m x 10m metal structure which incorporates four huge arches, a slide, a spiders-web climbing net, a set of straight monkey bars, a set of twisty monkey bars, seven

hanging tyres and three hanging knotted ropes and two fireman’s poles.

Placed around this structure is a set of four balance beams creating a balance tree and a double wavy slide race over a crawl through tunnel. Lots of space for running and free play complete the adventure. The playground was purposefully designed with no fixed entry or exit points to encourage free play.


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