When faced with the challenge of keeping their ‘fur kids’ entertained during the day while the humans were at work, they came up with quite a creative solution – a Doggy Jungle Gym.
According to Louise, “One weekend, at our niece's birthday party, we saw all the kids playing and running around on the jungle gyms and thought our ‘kids’ would love this! We just hoped we could find a jungle gym designer and manufacturer who would not think we were crazy for wanting one for our dogs.
“Rustics Jungle Gyms were amazing – they were very excited about the prospect of designing a new jungle gym for dogs. Toni threw herself into the research and sent us a design. We loved it and two weeks later it was built.
"Our oldest child was the first one up there. The dogs love sitting at the top because they can see all around them. Our dogs are now the nosey neighbours!”
