All playground equipment is naturally subject to deterioration through ordinary use, sun, rain, wind, and temperature changes but there are ways to optimse the length of the life of your play system. We have listed a few of them below to help you get the maximum value out of your outdoor equipment.

In our experience, the number one rule is to ensure that children are supervised while they play. A Rustics jungle gym is designed to inspire children to use their imagination, but this must be managed to not only keep danger levels within acceptable levels but also to ensure that equipment, accessories and components are only used for their designed purpose. Each swing is designed to accommodate one child in the sitting position. This is how it should be used. Supervision will reduce unnecessary damage to the equipment from overzealous play.
A fence around the equipment will prevent unauthorized, larger children from playing on any equipment not specifically designed to carry their weight (or enthusiasm). We have been called to repair jungle gyms that have had the slide broken off from the mounting. This is only possible if the slide is physically lifted from the ground while bolted to the fixed frame. This would not happen if the equipment was being used by the correct people in the appropriate manner.
Random checks should be done on all playground equipment to ensure it is in proper working order before allowing children to play on it. For example, any ground that gets kicked out from the bottom of the slide needs to be replaced to prevent a hole forming which will undermine the support of the slide.
Carry out routine maintenance as prescribed by the manufacturer. See this link to the October newsletter which discusses the regular maintenance checks which need to be carried out at different intervals to ensure not only the safety of the equipment but also its longevity.
If you would like further advice on how to maintain your outdoor play system, Give us a call on 043 748 5880 or drop us an email