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Win the battle between nature and screens

One study by Common Sense Media found that today's children are subject to 10 times the amount of mobile screen time than in 2011.

In the battle between nature and gadgets, the latter wins the majority of the time.

Attention grabbing games are designed to keep children wanting more; parents find it an easier and cleaner way to entertain their children so they can get on with their own tasks. Its not easy to be a parent under these circumstances but it is your role to look after the well-being of your children until they are old enough to do so for themselves. You wouldn’t dream of letting your child eat chocolate cake and ice cream all day. Use of technology falls into the same category - its just not healthy! As a parent, you need to teach your child a healthy balance between physical activity and playing with screens.

There are consequences of taking the easy way out.

Children as young as 8 are consulting chiropractors with neck and shoulder issues normally associated with adults who spend all day hunched over a keyboard and cell phones and play games in the evenings. When this happens hour after hour, day after day the neck and shoulders start to ache, develop pinched nerves, or even become numb from a lack of circulation and movement.

Children who don’t move are at risk of becoming obese which brings a whole host of health hazards including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, social anxiety and asthma.

We need to teach our children that screens only mimic real life and that real life is much more enjoyable when it is experienced, not merely looked at.

Recommended Screen Time

Aged 4 and 8 - 1 hour per day

Older than 8 - two hours per day


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